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Install WordPress on Cloudways | Free

 hey guys today we are going to see howwe can set up a wordpress site on cloud-based hostingso what is cloudless cloud race is a hosting platform which lets you runWordPress sites at very high speeds so the websites that you host on cloudways will be much faster than traditional hosting companies so this isbecause in traditional hosting companies they use a method called shared hostingwhich means your website server resources are shared with several otherusers but in cloud ways your service resourcesare allocated just for your website and because of this when someone visits yourwebsite it responds much faster and displays you website quickly to yourvisitors so this means all your pages on yourside will load quickly for your visitors so this is one of the main advantage ofcloud ways and in addition to this you can also host an unlimited number ofwebsites on cloud lace so now let you know what is cloud waste and how it isuseful next let's see how you can set up a brand new WordPres

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